The ARCA Factory event

Francesca Incardona of EuResist network, member of Avithrapid consortium, was in Bologna to explore international collaborations at a 2 days workshop for infectious diseases specialists and virologists: the ARCA (Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis) Factory event (Bologna 30 Sept-1 October).ARCA Factory ( is one of the educational events organised by ARCA ( a large HIV Italian […]

European Researchers’ Night in Frascati, Italy

Science at Your Fingertips: The Significance of the European Researchers’ Night in Frascati On October 2, 2024, Avithrapid was introduced to the scientific community and the public during the European Researchers’ Night in Frascati, Rome. This event, part of the Science Week that began on September 21st, featured a multitude of activities across partner cities […]

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