
Workshop ” Biology and Applications of Extracellular Vesicles”

On Wednesday 12 February 2025, a workshop entitled “Biology and Applications of Extracellular Vesicles” was held in the Aula Magna “Carlo Perone Pacifico”, of the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, University of Tuscia, partner of Avithrapid consortium. It was organized by Professors Umberto Bernabucci and Nicola Lacetera, as Scientific Directors, respectively, of the PRIN 2022 entitled “Resiliency to heat stress: a system biology approach” and of the PRIN 2022 PNRR entitled “Valorising milk as natural resource for therapeutic purpose: bovine milk Extracellular Vesicles (mEVs) as anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agents”. The workshop was organized

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AVITHRAPID Joins Bluesky: A New Space to Connect with the Scientific Community

AVITHRAPID is a project designed to tackle global challenges in antiviral research through an innovative and multidisciplinary approach. Our vision extends beyond laboratory work and scientific publications—we believe in fostering connections, engaging with the scientific community, and sharing our work with a wider audience. For this reason, we are pleased to announce our official presence on Bluesky, a platform that is rapidly becoming an important meeting point for scientists, innovators, and professionals across various disciplines. Why Is AVITHRAPID on Bluesky? In today’s evolving landscape of scientific communication, it is essential to be where meaningful

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Breaking News: AVITHRAPID Publishes Key Data to Accelerate Drug Development for Dengue

Breaking News: AVITHRAPID Publishes Key Data to Accelerate Drug Development for Dengue AVITHRAPID has announced a breakthrough in the fight against dengue fever by publishing critical protein models for all four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes. These open-access data represent a transformative step in identifying high-potential viral targets for drug development, offering the global scientific community an invaluable resource to combat this widespread and growing threat. The World is in the Grip of a Record Dengue Fever Outbreak: What’s Causing It, and How Can It Be Stopped? Dengue fever, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito,

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Media Release

Press Announcement: AVITHRAPID at the International Conference on Pandemic Preparedness in Trieste

Trieste, Italy – The AVITHRAPID project is excited to participate in the upcoming International Conference titled “Pandemic Preparedness: Achievements, Current Challenges, and New Frontiers” from 11 November 2024 at the prestigious Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste, Italy. Organized by Area Science Park in collaboration with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), this event is part of the PRP@CERIC project, dedicated to exploring preparedness for emerging and re-emerging viruses with pandemic potential. This conference convenes leading scientists to explore epidemic risks from known and emerging viruses. It will focus on prevention, surveillance,

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The ARCA Factory event

Francesca Incardona of EuResist network, member of Avithrapid consortium, was in Bologna to explore international collaborations at a 2 days workshop for infectious diseases specialists and virologists: the ARCA (Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis) Factory event (Bologna 30 Sept-1 October).ARCA Factory ( is one of the educational events organised by ARCA ( a large HIV Italian cohort focused on resistance, led by Maurizio Zazzi at UniSiena and with the technical support of I-PRO (EuResist). ARCA is a public database for the studying of resistance to anti-HIV drugs (antiretroviral drugs). It is fed by data coming from

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7th Innovative Approaches for Antiviral Agents Summer School (IAAASS)

Innovative Approaches for Antiviral Agents Summer School: A Platform for Knowledge Sharing and Future Discovery From September 23rd to 27th, 2024, the Innovative Approaches for Antiviral Agents Summer School (IAAASS) brought together early-career researchers and internationally recognized experts to review and discuss the latest advanced techniques in antiviral drug discovery. This unique event, designed to foster an informal and interactive environment, provided attendees with the opportunity to learn from leaders in the field while engaging in small-group thematic discussions. One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the AVITHRAPID project—an excellent

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European Researchers’ Night in Frascati, Italy

Science at Your Fingertips: The Significance of the European Researchers’ Night in Frascati On October 2, 2024, Avithrapid was introduced to the scientific community and the public during the European Researchers’ Night in Frascati, Rome. This event, part of the Science Week that began on September 21st, featured a multitude of activities across partner cities and in Frascati itself, where the streets, schools, and historic sites were awash in magenta, symbolizing a passion for knowledge. This year, thanks to a resolution by the Municipality of Frascati, Frascati Scienza was granted access to the so-called

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Media Release

Combating viral diseases with innovative therapeutic approaches

Basel, 22nd February 2024 – To combat and prevent pandemic infectious diseases more efficiently, the European Commission funds within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme a topic on “Pandemic preparedness and response: Broad spectrum anti-viral therapeutics for infectious diseases with epidemic potential” with a 50 million EUR budget. The AVITHRAPID (Antiviral Therapeutics for Rapid Response Against Pandemic Infectious Diseases) consortium with 18 research institutions and companies from eight European countries under the leadership of the German Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will receive a contribution of 7.5 million EUR to develop new substances against infectious diseases. In addition, the

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